Monday, March 8, 2010

Makeup fisticuffs-sack the stylist, Kim K!

Oh oh oh. I decided to blog about this kind of stuff every month or week, depending on my bitchiness at the specific time. The reason for doing this is something i've mentioned before, namely the well known impossibility of normal people to follow the standards imposed by celebs, especially when those standards are not even real most of the time. I want to talk about Kim Kardashian because i think many girls my age can identify themselves with her from various perspectives- she's young, with a passion for fashion, wannabe glamazon and darling of the makeup artists. I am a follower of Kim's makeup artist's blog, Mario,like most of the beauty bloggers here. However talented Mario is, Kim's makeup style dangerously lingers in that gray zone between dramatic and tacky; i personally love some traits of her makeup looks, like the lashes or the kajal, but still wonder at some others, like the heaviness and falseness of the foundation and bronzer.

While reading miss Kim's blog i couldn't help at gasping with surprise at a certain post that really caught my eye- Kim posted some photos of her outside a Hollywood restaurant and after the usual fashion and 'you guys, totally you guys' chit chat, she dropped the bomb- claimed wearing absolutely no makeup. Amazeballs!!!!

Okay, but first of all, the usual makeup talk. Sort of an in-and-out thing:

In: Kim's natural traits, namely the gorgeous Bambi eyes that don't need that much makeup to begin with.

Out: damn,that in thing was pretty short! well a list of the outies would be the tranny false lashes, the smudged crayon, the overly contoured eyebrows and the heavy plum eyeshadow.

I actually don't even know for sure if the eyeshadow she's wearing in the first pic is navy, or dark brown, or downright black, because i can't see through the heavy duty eyeliner and the eyebrows. It's just too much, a total disaster, i really think it's a bad example of 'smoky' eye makeup. As for the foundation, what type does she use? In this unphotoshopped picture it appears to be very visible, heavy, caked in the pores of her skin and unnaturally bordering the cheek makeup. That one is absolutely wrong as well- not only it's too much, but i guess her makeup artist didn't use a primer (or Kim must have very oily skin) because the blush and bronzer appear to have gunked and streaked on her cheeks big time.
And for the love of god...what's with the upper lip? is it just me or that little spot looks like it needs some serious waxing? the foundation has clearly not been blended properly in that area giving the look of a serious mustache. Combined with the pearly pale lipstick (that looks dry-yet-oily, emphasizing the cracks of the lips and appearing cakey)it really makes Kim look either sick, in disguise for a Halloween carnival or just a victim of her makeup artist.

Then there was the 'blonde' look:

Before anything else...

Kim, that is NOT blonde. It is an artistically executed orange with beautiful highlights, but it looks like a worn out hemp mop. It's just one of the major disasters i have ever seen. Not to mention the thick black eyebrows...that fortunately have not been colored in the same nuance as the hair, although one's hair must somehow match the eyebrows. It would have been worse to see Kim sporting a pair of orange caterpillars on her forehead. However, who is her stylist? i forgot to check up the details because i was shocked when coming across this photo. I just can't understand how this was possible. You're a celebrity, you can afford a top stylist! If natural black hair can be transformed into beautiful, naturally-looking glossy waves, i.e. Jennifer Aniston, then THAT's a great colorist...whose number you should have struggled a little bit more to get. Sigh sigh and triple sigh.

Then there was THIS:

Okay Kim seriously needs to subscribe to Pixiwoo's blog. Makeup is supposed to bring out your natural features, to make your skin glow and enhance the natural beauty one has. Whoever did her makeup clearly used too much white powder under the eyes and, i assume, unsuccessfully tried to blend it out, resulting in a multi-layered white mess. It's just too much and it doesn't even match her skintone- notice the orange fake baked body.

However i don't totally dislike this look:

This is the only photo of Kim in which her skin is visible through the foundation layer. It looks fresh, natural, not overly done, with the slightest hint of contouring powder/blusher, whatever they used. It's even hard to figure it out which is exactly what makeup is supposed to be like. The cherry, almost russian red lipstick is a great color option that compliments both her natural mouth shape and the skintone, as well as the dark hair, giving the entire look a splash of that classic '50's glam. However, the eyebrows are again overdone. While i love their natural shape (i'm currently growing mine out hoping to get my natural shape 100% back), they appear too thick and having the wrong arch- thick eyebrows should be carefully angled otherwise one ends up with the Camilla Belle look. Kim's brows have been plucked at the wrong angle and give her a severe, '50's boarding school teacher look.

(Her eyebrows look much better here:

While clearly overfilled, the arch is symmetrically shaped and synchronizes the eye socket)

Then there was the Angry Chola look:

Daylight doesn't go that well with Kim's makeup galore. The eyes appear all wrinkled around and squinting while wearing thick black kajal doesn't help at all. The eyebrows are again too thick and too black and the sheerness of the blusher makes the face look plain and tired. Not to mention that huge hoop earrings plus swept back unwashed hair- too '90's.

Then Kim blogged about this look...claiming she was wearing no makeup:

While i kinda like the outfit, i don't see why Kim would lie on her blog, to her readers, claiming she was bare faced when her foundation shines like a light bulb and the bronzer is visible for a mile or two. She has her eyebrows (beautifully) done, as she should always have them, and i can also see a lot of nude lipstick (eew for that purple-ish nude. i really don't like it. brings out even non-existing paleness and makes the teeth look yellow and their owner look sick) and clearly some serious mascara. This is what natural makeup looks on Kim, enhancing her natural features and making her claim she wears none. Being used to wearing a ton of makeup every day has made Kim believe more is less, more is better. Touche honey, touche. It really isn't the case to lie. I seriously got pissed off when reading the words 'me without makeup on'. THIS is what your bare face looks like, bb, in case you have forgotten:

I think that Kim is a very beautiful girl especially without makeup on. of course that she has a few little spots and blemishes, like every normal person, but her skin is pretty much healthy and i love the natural eyebrows and lashes. Therefore miz K has no reason to go around lying.

so yeah. today's makeup catharsis completed. stay tuned.

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