Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Upcoming post: How to use a blackhead remover

I've been away for a really long time now, however I've just rediscovered this little tool in my arsenal; 'rediscovered' is a bit of a stretch since I always use it; never thought about blogging about this since I just thought, meh, most people I know (or read about) go to salons or spas for their facial cleansing routines (blackheads, whiteheads, etc) BUT my recent encounter with a friend convinced me to actually write about this baby...

The little monster:

It's truly difficult to work with it, many people don't even come close to using it (though they own it), and it's a pity because this tool has saved me a lot of money (in cosmetic procedures), time and trouble. This is what I use to thoroughly clean my pores and dislodge all sebum buildup (I know..not too cool, right?), and I guess writing a more detailed post wouldn't be a bad idea after all.


  1. Hi dear i love your blog do visit mine may be we follow each other xoxox

  2. I used it, for the first time, when my mother had bought it. I used and found that is does an ok job at the creases of your nose, so as to get the blackheads out, though I would like it, to do around your lips or chin, if u have any, there. It works, but doesn’t at the same time. The holes could be smaller, I agree and that they are too, large. I haven’t found anything that works so... This was the best thing, I could find.
